Thursday, June 26, 2008


The news came on Tuesday. I was at home when Dan called from work. I went into my room to take the phone call because I could tell it wasn't good. Dan told me that the company he worked for was closing their doors and everyone was laid off effective immediately. I know this is hard to believe and maybe even a little warped, but my initial reaction was excitement. Right away, I knew this was God's handywork. He was taking us in a new direction and I'm always ready for an adventure. So I was pumped. I got off the phone with him and prayed a little prayer that God would give me wisdom as I gathered the kids for a family meeting. As I walked down the hallway and the children came into view, I got another feeling. One that I didn't anticipate nor did I appreciate! Oh No! . . . How are we going to feed the children? . . .How are we going to pay the bills? . . . How are we going to send Jordan to college?

I went into the family room and told Madison and Hannah to go get the rest of the children; some were outside, some were in their rooms. It took a few minutes for them to gather. That time was just enough for a total sense of panic to set in. I guess you might call it reality. As my thoughts raced from how long the food we had would last to the big graduation party we have planned in a few weeks.

By the time I came out of my thoughts, all of the children were sitting at my feet waiting to here the news that brought us together. I told them that Dad had lost his job today and, to the best of my ability, explained the whole situation. I also told them that we needed to pray for daddy right now. Several hands shot up right away and so we started praying. Up until this point I had been able to hold myself together and keep my "game face". Hudson (9) prayed, Bailey(5) prayed, even Abbey(3) prayed. I was still fine.

Then Jordan prayed. "Father, you know exactly what you are doing. You don't make mistakes. We are going to trust in that and whatever happens we will praise you and give you the glory you deserve. Amen"

I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. But not because of the situation we were in, because my son had to remind me of all that really matters in 40 words or less. Those words are the words that I am choosing to cling to. My reaction should not be one of panic. There is no reason for that. God has been faithful to us on every level and He's not going to stop now. My initial reaction is the one I am going to CHOOSE. I AM excited to see where God is taking us. I AM excited to see the plans God has for Dan. I have always believed God had huge plans for Dan and this is just a step in that direction and I plan on being his biggest cheerleader.

We are entering a new season. I know that things could get rough. We are no strangers to living in want, but I also know to keep my eyes focused on the Lord lest I find myself knee-deep like Peter. My job is to seek Him, cheer for my husband and love on my children. I can do that!!! Keep us in your prayers.

Always Blessed,

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